How our Expert Advisor works ?
It uses a built-in scanner to identify breakouts and automatically trades Gold (XAU/USD) when the perfect entry point appears.
We've developed an expert advisor which have some excellent features.
- Accuracy 85% Plus
- Support ECN Account with average spread 5-10 points for pair Gold(XAU/USD)
- M30 Timeframe Only Support.
- Broker works best - VantageMarkets(ECN Raw),Ox Securities(Pro),Fusion,FTMO Prop

CopyTrading MT4/MT5
We manage your trading accounts tailored to your needs, quickly and efficiently.
Start Copy Trading MT4/MT5
Private Signals [GOLD ONLY]
You will get quality gold signals with accuracy over 90% .
Order Private Signals
Metatrader 4/ Metatrader 5 Developement
We code your trading strategies into an MQL4 expert advisor, allowing you to trade automatically and without emotional interference.
Order MT4/MT5 Development

MT5 Expert signal accuracy 85 % +.
M30 Timeframe works.
Single trade with fix sl and tp levels.
24/5 trade on VPS/PC.
Prop Firm recommended and Passed.
24/7 Live Support.
Trial Plan
- Instant License Key
- 6 Month Expiry
- 1 MT5 Account License
- Customer License Panel
- Crypto Payment Only
- 24/7 Live Support
Starter Plan
- Instant License Key
- 1 Year Expiry
- 1 MT5 Account License
- Customer License Panel
- Crypto Payment Only
- 24/7 Live Support
Lifetime Plan
- Instant License Key
- Unlimited
- 1 MT5 Account License
- Customer License Panel
- Crypto Payment Only
- 24/7 Live Support
Frequently Asked Questions
We're here to answer all your questions.
1. Does the expert advisor work on both PC and VPS?
Yes, our expert advisor can run on both PC and VPS simultaneously, depending on the number of licenses you purchase.
2. Does the expert advisor work on GOLD(XAU/USD) on all forex brokers?
Yes, our GoldxMaster Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5 works with most brokers that offer ECN accounts and have an average spread of 5-10 points for the XAU/USD pair. Recommended ( VantageInternational,HFM markets,fusion and Roboforex with ecn accounts.
3. Is Safe to use Expert Advisor on small trading account with deposit 100 USD?
Yes, you can trade based on your risk management strategy. For a $100 account, you can start with 0.01 lots.
4. Where you trader manage own license Trading Accounts?
Every trader just Click here to Manage own license Trading Accounts for Metatrader 5.
5. Is license Key Instant Active Once Purchased any Plan?
Yes, all order key activated instant, you can setup expert advsior after that on VPS/ PC.